Not Your Regular Spa Day.

We offer our clients the most advanced technology available!


Coming to Vena Women’s Health and Wellness isn’t just a regular spa day. You are investing in your health and well-being. The ONE-OF-A-KIND technology that we offer is the most advanced available! From improving aesthetic appearance to restoring the basic function and quality of vaginal health. 

Did You Know?

Incontinence in Canada indicates that 7% of Canadian women experience moderate to severe incontinence on a DAILY basis.

Did You Know?

The average woman will spend $1,400-$2,100 per year on incontinence products. Which doesn’t actually solve anything.

In 2014, The Canadian Continence Foundation published a paper that stated “Women living with incontinence are more likely to suffer from depression than their continent peers. In one study, urinary incontinence, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke were the three chronic conditions found to negatively affect an individual's health-related quality of life most adversely” – Those are some profound words. 

For every 1 in 10 women, sex hurts!
A survey conducted with nearly 7,000 women ages 16-74, found that women in their late 50’s and early 60’s were most likely to experience pain during sex; followed by women ages 16-24.

Our hormones change throughout our adult lives.
So whether it is menopausal changes that are causing dryness, your libido is lower and your hormones are all over the place causing dryness because you had a baby or cancer treatments for women can lead to vaginal dryness and symptoms of menopause.

What are your Options?

The Plus90 internal and external treatment provides tissue remodeling which is a fancy way of saying that it uses controlled heat to bring blood flow back to the area resulting in increased sensation and an increase in mucus production! INSTANT results! The rule of thumb is to start from scratch you may need about 3 treatments to start but then, from there, it is only ONE maintenance treatment as soon as you feel those symptoms coming back. 

The vTone uses electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to rehabilitate the pelvic floor from your perinium to the top of the pelvic floor! It will send little pulses of electricity to your muscles and contract them building that muscle! It’s like a superhuman Kegel on steroids. 

Morpheus8v is the ultimate tool. This provides sub-epithelial (below the skin) remodeling. Treating 100% of the vagina from urinary leakage, nocturia (interrupted sleep because you have to PEE), Vaginal laxity (feeling a little more open than you’d like), sexual sensation, Dryness, Bladder pain, Chronic bladder inflammation, Chronic yeast infections and UTI’s. 

Morpheus8 can be used all over the body! Tightens the skin by telling your body to produce its OWN collagen and elastin. From fine lines and wrinkles on the face, skin laxity on your neck, or stretchmarks and scars; Morpheus 8 has shown results as quick as 24 hours! 

Tone is more than just building abdominal muscles; this external treatment can help lift your pelvic floor back into place, correct that diastasis recti by cm’s, and increase core strength while you rest comfortably. 

I am a mother of 2 and I can tell you that urinary leakage has affected my day-to-day life for YEARS. Always having to plan on where the bathrooms are, what products to wear on outings and hydration (I swear I’ve been dehydrated for years now). My stomach has never looked the same and I know my beautiful angels have accelerated the fine lines on my face. 

I am here to listen to your concerns, compile an individualized treatment plan and get to the root of it!

No more incontinent products.
No more low sexual stimulation.
No more dryness.

This is going to change your life.

This is the investment into your future you wish you would have started years ago. 

Ready to empower yourself?

We offer payment plans through After Pay and Sezzle. 


And Just Like That…


Big News on the Vena Women’s Health and Wellness Clinic!